Sugar comes from a variety of origins and each particular type has their own requirements for purification. For example, cane sugar only becomes white granulated sugar after removing large bodies of color such as melanoidins and caramels. Likewise, as "bad" tastes and odours are eliminated, liquid sugars are mastered. Our product processes impregnated magnesite granular activated carbons & selects specifically Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC).

Liquid sugar

  • Decolorization

  • Improving the sensory properties of sugar syrup

Cane sugar

  • Decolorization

  • Impurities removal, such as amino acids and polysaccharides



Activated carbon is used to decolorize cane sugar syrups produced during processing by adsorption of plant pigments (polyphenols) from the sugar cane and colors such as melanoidins and caramels. Activated carbon also has the ability to absorb non-colorant impurities such as amino acids and polysaccharides, in addition to color removal.

Activated carbons from Revel can help customers to use fewer processing additives, leading to increased productivity and lower processing costs. The media is a low dusting, multi-functional product that delivers excellent filtration and discoloration of sugar syrups of dark and light colors.


Activated carbons from Revel will help customers use less processing additives, contributing to improved efficiency and reduced processing costs.

  • Offers excellent filtration resulting in higher cycle times, higher throughput and fewer outputs

  • Offers higher cane and beet sugar discoloration in liquid sugar

  • Neutral pH to avoid sugar inversion



Sales, technical support, and customer service teams from Revel are able to serve customers all over the world. And if you have one procedure or a lot of facilities across the globe, we’ve got you covered.